Award: 2024 Award for Residential Landscape Design & Installation over $100,000
Project: Park Place
Project Lead: Brian Diemer, Owner/Vice President

Life’s seasons keep rolling along, and so do the needs and desires of families! Our clients realized that in order to achieve their dream property they needed to start over. They wanted to transition to a clean-line, simple landscape while engaging in their wood lot to create a park.
Everett’s Landscape Management identified and transplanted all desirable plants from the original landscape. Two Northwind Korean Maples would make the move to the right front corner of the new house.
As the wood lot was cleared of the undesirable Poison Ivy, Boxelders, Ash, and Elm trees, the neighbor’s house loomed large and conspicuous. To achieve the Owner’s desire for privacy the additional plantings in this area would need to be both functional and beautiful.
After evaluating the different soil types, moisture levels, and shade competition in the wood lot, a mix of White Pines, Dawn Redwoods, Canopy Shrubs, Spruce, and Hemlocks was chosen to fill the space. These intentional choices helped soften and screen the view of the adjacent house and its lights at night. Ornamental trees such as Redbuds, Dogwoods, and River Birch added some seasonal flowering and fall color! The additional planting beds helped to continue the landscaping around the front of the home through the placement of the Outcroppings that mirror those utilized in the design around the home.
Historically a ranch, Park Place’s Owners wanted to keep that wide-open viewing and elbow room feel. Their grounds, complete with grass paths and woodland trails, are all accessible for Grandpa and Grandma to take grandchildren on “Ranger Rides” to appreciate the property!
Modern, clean architecture grounded in natural stone is classy and elegant! The Owners chose to value the usage of real stone and exceptional workmanship. Everett’s used the same stone as accents and retainers in the landscape to marry the house to the site. The placement and styling of the Hindu Pan Hinoki Falsecypress mirrors the house’s layered architecture and invites the eye to engage well with the entrance landscaping.
The Gold Carpet Sedum in tandem with the natural stone accent walls reinforces the simple, striking design the Owners wanted. The placement of the Sedum allows for a seamless transition to lawn level and anchors the incorporated design to the earth. The addition of the Purrsian Blue Nepeta in the background’s landscaping bed gives a pop of color at one end of the circle drive.
Great Grandmother’s iconic Paperbark Maple was transplanted from her yard to stand watch over her children and great-grandchildren! The tree frames the left side of the home, and the cinnamon bark draws continuity in rich color from the house to the adjacent carriage house affectionally called the Bolt Hanger.
Everett’s crew brought in a stand-alone art piece from their nursery to make a striking impact on this highly architectural Bolt Hanger! This Montgomery Blue Spruce Layered Specimen was specially cared for and pruned at Everett’s while it waited for its forever home. The pairing of this one-of-a-kind planting with the gathering space in the carriage house brings an elevated homey feel to the area.
Natural stone slabs outline the converging pathways used to run from the house to the Bolt Hanger. Simple and striking, this path brings ease to navigating across the lawn! The design around the carriage house follows the sleek, simple design that the Owners wanted and allows for the architecture of the building itself to shine!
Access for maintenance and deliveries was very important to the Park Place Owners! But they wanted the crushed stone driveway lined and defined so they wouldn’t get gravel spilling all over the grass. We used a 4” bluish-gray wall stone laid end to end to create this striking line!
The Owners positioned their top-floor office to look out over the Park to soak in its beauty! Now their family celebrates the flora and the fauna of the Park highlighted along the side of this photo. The rest of this photo highlights the intentional simplicity of the back lawn for easy viewing of the rest of the property!
This picture shows the intricate ledge rock work that Everett’s did to carry nature and continuity into the landscape from the masoned stone walls and terraces! The simplicity of the design works to pair the architecture with the landscaping in a seamless blend.
The maintenance road winds through the woods where other woodchip paths branch from. These pathways allow for a sense of adventure and intrigue to live freely in the Park area of this property for many generations to experience. This photo also highlights the Dry Riverbeds Everett’s installed throughout the Park.
Utilizing stone of all sizes from small cobblestones to larger boulders these Dry Riverbeds allow water to move through the site when it rains. The lawn continues to capture the rain but the water no longer pools, rendering the lawn unusable. Instead, this drainage solution brings an element of beauty to the landscape as well as functionality.